Sunday, May 27, 2012

Creative Solutions Implementing 'what If'

Creative Solutions Implementing 'what If'

For the most creative systems you need to get your mind researching in new recommendations. One of the most systematic approaches to do this, is with a listing of words, primarily adjectives, to develop "what if?" examples. The process starts with the actual question, "what if it was initially..." and then you fit a word from the checklist. "It" in the question is the difficulty you're working on, or even the current solution and even situation.

Let's make clear the process with an example or two.

Model one: You have is definitely a unpleasant co-worker. You aren't confident how to deal with him, in order that you ask about the problem, "What when it was..." and then insert from the collection "smaller." How could you get the problem smaller? Get a better price time with that man or women? Get reassigned?

"What if it ended up being... fun?" makes you wonder if remaining annoying yourself may keep the other person from the you. "Closer" makes you ponder if this person is perhaps nicer to you whether they knew you better. Most people continue down the list and work with every single word a bit to find new ideas, which you will look at more analytically eventually.

Example two: Yourr home is too crowded given that you're running your company from it. You ask, "What whether or not it was..." as well as insert from the phrase list, "smaller." Your home is already too small, but tend to the business be reduced? The word "divided" might give the idea to keep this business in just one an area of the house.

Since most thoughts on the list won't help, you are able to go through the irrelevant people quickly. But don't auto-magically dismiss them with out a few seconds consideration. "What whether or not it was hopeless?Centimeter may seem like a not worth it question, or it could make you realize that you recently can't keep the home business in the house any longer. Entering into a rented workplace might be the most productive of your creative resolutions.

The Creative Alternatives Word List

Feel free to create your own report on words. You'll want to implement adjectives, descriptive phrases, or any words that can get some new perspective. Here is a narrow your search to get you started:

Can you imagine it was... larger, little, farther away, short, sooner, later, quite a bit easier, more difficult, higher, excessive fat, rich, short, black color, certain, hopeless, fresher, boring, casual, subtracted from, cheaper, prevalent, divided, more appealing, extravagant, subtle, or possibly fun?

Just as with virtually all problem solving ways, it's important to allow the tactics to flow without knowing them initially. You don't want to stifle the original process. Take hints, then evaluate your ideas later, when you have a webpage full of creative alternatives.


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